gothic and dark cities and how useful they are for my own design?

800px-City_of_sydney_from_the_balmain_wharf_dusk_cropped2 c668012f-2978-44c8-b1be-b38bacd9cadc_Belgium-Ghent-Stadthuis%20and%20Belfort%20tower gotham-city jOCeZck london1 london2 london5 New_York_City_wallpapers_1920x1080_-_015 new-york-city-dream-4 panama-city-1024-678666 Post-Apocalyptic-Wallpaper-110 the_dark_city-895337

I used these images in order to focus out how I can go about making my city level for my project. As I plan to create a dark hero my city must reflect that. It’s no good having a dark hero in a brightly coloured city and every building looking like it was just built yesterday. The city has to be used as town to also show the theme and mood of the design and also reflect the amount of danger the character will face. So I looked at dark and gothic style of buildings from movies, games and real life which can then use to design my own city.

Hero’s bases and how i can use them

17qq0 asteroidm batcave batcave_nh4f baxter building Baxter Building Lettered helicarrier jla_secretsanctuary JLAHall JLsatellite2 page0001hb7

Above are image based on a superhero’s base or lair which I looked at in order to get ideas for making my own  base design for my character and level design. By looking at these design  I can see how most base are set on a theme or the needs of the character and in some case where the base is built. by looking at these base I have come to the conclusion that my own base will be taken hints from dark and gothic styles of design.

How Batman was created and how he has changed with the times

Batman and what inspired his creation

Above is a word document I wrote when I first started university. In this documents I show how batman was created and how he has changed with the times and how he is in today media. The reason I am adding this to my project is that I feel it show how editor and art designer go about creating a character and what they use to create the character and how the changing times effect how he character come across. Which I can now use in improving my backstory for my character before I move on to the stages of designing sketches of my own hero.

Video game Heros 2

The heroes in the image above are from games that follow a darker path so the heroes of these game are usually darker and grittier and they have flaws in their characters which the gamer can relate too. Also these types of heroes usually have no powers or powers  that don’t directly effect the world around them  or they are just extremely skilled in their chosen field of combat.

PowerPoint Picth of project

Art Project PowerPoint Pitch

The PowerPoint above is my pitch which I will present to my panel for review so that I can get the go ahead and feedback I need to start researching in depth and design my sketches for my idea to create a character model and level design using Maya and Unity.

Video Game Heroes

As with the comic book heroes I have also been looking into video game heroes for ideas on how I can design my character model as well get an idea for how heroes of a set background are usually portrayed in most media. So that I can make my own style for my character design.

Comic Hero's Image

This image is an example of some of the types of heroes you can find in most media’s. I have show with my types hero’s research that their is not just one hero in media. So I am using this image to show what I can use for ideas for my own design when I start sketches my character and levels.

Final project Proposal and Project Plan

Name: Michael Bandy

Student number: 21140911

Programme: Games Development


Project Module 2013/14 AD6014DE

Proposal Document

1. Briefly describe your proposed project and key outputs-[what do you want to do?]The idea I am going with is to create a detail level design and a character model using Maya. My design will be based around a character that is a superhero and his base and city. So my aim for this project is to produce a character model of my superhero along with design on different looks, a city level design in Maya and a base for my superhero also using Maya. So below is a list of what I hope to produce by the end of this project.

*Research into cities and superheroes comics

*A Maya model of my superhero

*A Maya cities design

*A Maya design of my base

*A combine Unity project of my city, base and superhero model

2. Outline your motivation for choosing this project subject [why do you want to do it?]The reason I have chosen this theme as my project is because I have always had a huge love of anime, comics and games which feature super heroes such as Spiderman, Batman and Superman.  So I have decided to base my project on create a character and level design around a hero of my own design. This allows me to show my ability at research other character in the media for ideas, my skill in using Maya to both create a character and a level and then to combine it all on unity.

3. Briefly describe your methodology-[how do you intend to go about doing it?] The way I plan to go about creating this character and level design is by first researching how other superheroes were created in other media and then I will research the types of buildings and environments I want to place my creation in, with the research done I will then begin drawing 2d sketches of what my character and environment will look like and then set about making those design using the Maya model and basic Maya before combining it all on Unity. I will also be keeping an online journal of all my research, designs and the making process of my final unity project.

4. List the personnel involved in your project and their role-[who is involved?] I will be doing this project on my own, so all of the work will be done by me.

5. Specify the main working locations-[where will the work take place?] The place I am going to work from is my home and the university. With maybe a few trips up London to take photos I can use as research when design my city in Maya.





Wk          w/c          main activities and milestones

01            23/09/13      Research on hero’s

02            30/09/13     Continue work on Proposal

03            07/10/13    Add research and Proposal to Blog

04            14/10/13     Submit Proposal online

05            21/10/13  Make PowerPoint pitch for Project

06            28/10/13  Pitch sessions this week

07            04/11/13  Pitch sessions this week

08            11/11/13    Continue research on hero’s

09            18/11/13    Continue research on hero’s

10            25/11/13    Finish research on hero’s

11            02/12/13   Start research on buildings and environment design

12            09/12/13   Continue research on building and environment design

13            16/12/13   Finish research on building and environment design

                23/12/12  to 30/12/12 Winter break

14            06/01/14   Research Maya and Unity for any new skills that can be used

15            13/01/14   Start work on Sketches of character and level designs

                20/01/14  Inter-semester break

01            27/01/14   Finish work on character and level designs

02            03/02/14   Start making the building in Maya

03            10/02/14   Continue making the building with Maya

04            17/02/14  Finish the building with Maya

05            24/02/14   Start work on character model using either Maya or 3D max

06            03/03/14   Finish character model

07            10/03/14   Create Unity Level Base

08            17/03/14   Import All Maya buildings and the character model

09            24/03/14  complete final draft walkthrough with supervisor this week – mandatory

                31/03/14 to 07/04/14 Spring break

10            14/04/14  A3 portfolio deadline: submitted in TC308 by Friday 18/04/14 @ 16:00

11            21/04/14   Finish A4 portfolio for the deadline

12            28/04/14  A4 portfolio deadline: submitted online by Sunday 04/05/14 @ 23:59

Independent Learning Contact First Draft

Project Module 2013/14AD60140E                                           Michael Bandy

Independent Learning Contact                                                   Student Number: 21140911

                                                                                                         Art and Design Project Games        



  1. 1.       Project Design: What I plan to do for the research of this project is to create a superhero that fights magic and the demons in today’s day. But how this idea is different from other superhero games is that the people you saved don’t see you as the hero but the villain because the demon have taken on human form and even when you kill them they still look human. What I plan for my project to look like is that first I will have research how modern cities look and how I can combine it with a more dark and gothic style of design and the I also plan to research how hero are shown in games and how I can make mine different from every other hero and finally I planned to take all this information and build a character model and a unity level with it. My game will be aim at young adults and teenagers because I plan for the story to be dark and to involve a lot of hard choices the player has to make over the course of the game.
  2. 2.       Work in progress:

By the end of week 12


By the end of week 08 (Sem2)


  1. 3.       Additional notes, tasks and advice added in consultation with supervisor
  2. 4.       Agreed, signed and dated:

Project Proposal Final Draft

Michael Bandy

Student number: 21140911

Games Development


Project Module 2013/14 AD6014DE

Proposal Document

1. Briefly describe your proposed project and key outputs-[what do you want to do?]The idea I am going with is to create a detail level design and a character model using Maya. My design will be based around a character that is a superhero and his base and city. So my aim for this project is to produce a character model of my superhero along with design on different looks, a city level design in Maya and a base for my superhero also using Maya. So below is a list of what I hope to produce by the end of this project.

*Research into cities and superheroes comics

*A Maya model of my superhero

*A Maya cities design

*A Maya design of my base

*A combine Unity project of my city, base and superhero model

2. Outline your motivation for choosing this project subject [why do you want to do it?]The reason I have chosen this theme as my project is because I have always had a huge love of anime, comics and games which feature super heroes such as Spiderman, Batman and Superman.  So I have decided to base my project on create a character and level design around a hero of my own design. This allows me to show my ability at research other character in the media for ideas, my skill in using Maya to both create a character and a level and then to combine it all on unity.

3. Briefly describe your methodology-[how do you intend to go about doing it?] The way I plan to go about creating this character and level design is by first researching how other superheroes were created in other media and then I will research the types of buildings and environments I want to place my creation in, with the research done I will then begin drawing 2d sketches of what my character and environment will look like and then set about making those design using the Maya model and basic Maya before combining it all on Unity. I will also be keeping an online journal of all my research, designs and the making process of my final unity project.

4. List the personnel involved in your project and their role-[who is involved?] I will be doing this project on my own, so all of the work will be done by me.

5. Specify the main working locations-[where will the work take place?] The place I am going to work from is my home and the university. With maybe a few trips up London to take photos I can use as research when design my city in Maya.