Project Proposal Final Draft

Michael Bandy

Student number: 21140911

Games Development


Project Module 2013/14 AD6014DE

Proposal Document

1. Briefly describe your proposed project and key outputs-[what do you want to do?]The idea I am going with is to create a detail level design and a character model using Maya. My design will be based around a character that is a superhero and his base and city. So my aim for this project is to produce a character model of my superhero along with design on different looks, a city level design in Maya and a base for my superhero also using Maya. So below is a list of what I hope to produce by the end of this project.

*Research into cities and superheroes comics

*A Maya model of my superhero

*A Maya cities design

*A Maya design of my base

*A combine Unity project of my city, base and superhero model

2. Outline your motivation for choosing this project subject [why do you want to do it?]The reason I have chosen this theme as my project is because I have always had a huge love of anime, comics and games which feature super heroes such as Spiderman, Batman and Superman.  So I have decided to base my project on create a character and level design around a hero of my own design. This allows me to show my ability at research other character in the media for ideas, my skill in using Maya to both create a character and a level and then to combine it all on unity.

3. Briefly describe your methodology-[how do you intend to go about doing it?] The way I plan to go about creating this character and level design is by first researching how other superheroes were created in other media and then I will research the types of buildings and environments I want to place my creation in, with the research done I will then begin drawing 2d sketches of what my character and environment will look like and then set about making those design using the Maya model and basic Maya before combining it all on Unity. I will also be keeping an online journal of all my research, designs and the making process of my final unity project.

4. List the personnel involved in your project and their role-[who is involved?] I will be doing this project on my own, so all of the work will be done by me.

5. Specify the main working locations-[where will the work take place?] The place I am going to work from is my home and the university. With maybe a few trips up London to take photos I can use as research when design my city in Maya.

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